Recherche Agronomique
Volume 7, Numéro 12, Pages 51-74
Authors : Khaldoun A. . Kameli A. .
ln this study an attempt is made to study agronomic characters of adaptation to drought in yield and its components, protein content, nitrogen harvest index under dry land and in irrigated conditions : 25 barley varieties (16 of French origin, 7 of Syrian origin and two Algerian varieties), one variety of durum wheat (Durelle, France) and 1 variety of triticale (Clercal, france) were compared during two successive years (1986/87 and 1987188). A net effect on most of agronomic characters was noticed, with exception of thousand-kernel weight in the second year trial. The moderate water deficit (conditions of the Montpellier zone, France) allowed french varieties to perform better in both conditions than Algerian and Syrian varieties considered as tolerant to drought.
water deficit, irrigation, yield components, harvest index, protein content, nitrogen harvest index.
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Abdelguerfi A.
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