مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاجتماعية
Volume 3, Numéro 6, Pages 136-144

المشكلات التي تعاني منها الأسرة الحديثة (طلاق فئة حديثي الزواج )

الكاتب : محمد بوعليت .


We can’t anyway talk about family as an isolated phenomenon, but we must approach it in the light of the economic, politic and religious and demographic systems in the society in question thus making a reciprocate influence, therefore it’s not by chance that the physiocratic society (relatively stable) supports the extended family or encourage polygamy or giving parents the right to choose themselves their children’s future wives, remember that all these elements conform with the stable social structure such as the conflict on the nature of the family after marriage and the private household characterizing the dynamic urban societies. The transformation that touches the family and society is related to several reasons such as gender, climate, technology and economics, but the common and wide-spread conception in the transformation of the family is the technological and industrial evolution, and when the transformation occurs, is the result of many factors, also the transformation occurring in one part of the family can affect all the rest of it, and this transformation has emerged a new situation for the modern family, consisting of parents and children if there are, therefore many problems concerning this family have aroused, one of them is the divorce from the early months of the marriage, which is known as bride-groom divorce.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الأسرة الحديثة - الطلاق- الزواج