Algerian Journal of Sciences
Volume 0, Numéro 0, Pages 21-32

On A Singular Degenerate Reaction-diffusion Model Applied To Quenching And Biology

Authors : Djemai Samiha . Mesbahi Salim .


In this paper, we are interested in studying a singular nonlinear degenerate reaction-di usion model having a natural growth with respect to the gradient. Our approach uses Schauder's f fixed point theorem. This type of problem has numerous important applications across multiple disciplines, such as biology, ecology and medicine. By employing rigorous mathematical techniques, we aim to advance the theoretical understanding of this type of nonlinear degenerate reaction-diffusion problems and lay the groundwork for further developments and realworld implementations.


Reaction-diffusion equations, degenerate parabolic equations,

Assessing Ground Reaction Force And Reaction Time In Karate

Benosmane Abdelmalik Bachir . 
pages 440-456.

Singular Spectrum Analysis Of Global Mean Sea Level Variations

Khelifa S .  Kahlouche S .  Belbachir M.f .  Hadad M .  Rami A . 
pages 17-22.