فصل الخطاب
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 349-362
Authors : Benamor Youcef .
This demonstrative paper suggests a generic small-scale training workshop that aims at enabling English teachers to demonstrate their basic understanding and use of reciprocal teaching, a reading comprehension strategy, via diverse individual, pair, and group hands-on and minds-on tasks. The workshop’s adopted methodology mirrors Woodward’s (1988) “loop-input”, a commonly used procedure in teacher training arenas, where the session’s topic aligns with the process employed in presenting it. As an illustration, to practise this reading comprehension strategy, the potential teacher-participants are practically immersed within an environment, in which they are given a text about reciprocal teaching and asked to predict, raise questions, clarify ambiguity and summarise the main ideas. This learning-by-doing would significantly scaffold these teachers’ learning transfer of reciprocal teaching to their loci of activity. This way, they can successfully make their students better metacognitive and self-reliant readers, able to predict and solve potential comprehension problems.
loop-input ; reading comprehension ; reciprocal teaching
Remache Youcef
pages 501-518.
Chebhi Rafika
pages 762-776.
Ameur Elhadj
Grichi Mohamed
Ben Abid Farid
pages 195-211.
Khaldoun Abdelkader
pages 269-285.