مجلة الاجتهاد القضائي
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 643-654
الكاتب : نجار سيدي محمد .
The Constitution algerian gives the President of the Republic the power to establish a state of siege and emergency and to take the necessary exceptional measures to restore the situation, the President of the Republic authorized to approve it and cannot delegate it to another person. However, the constitutional prohibition was violated when the presidential decrees on the state of a blockade and the state of emergency were issued Extraordinary measures have been delegated, So this is the authorization and the decrees issued It's unconstitutional.
Constitution- the President of the Republic- the state of a blockade- the state of emergency- necessary exceptional- authorization- unconstitutional.
مديحة الفحلة
محمد هشام فريجة
ص 549-561.
منقور قويدر
ص 956-969.
نجار سيدي محمد
ص 179-199.
صديق سعوداوي
ص 159-227.
غضبان مبروك غربي نجاح
ص 11-37.