مجلة الاداب واللغات
Volume 3, Numéro 10, Pages 195-218

سرد الهوية وهوية السرد مقاربة سوسيو-نصية في أسئلة التجريب الروائي

الكاتب : علال سنقوقة .


Abstract : The article provides an analysis of a group of contemporary fiction texts that have adopted penal experimentation in the formation of structures text feature, the shape remains the question of the most important qualitative characteristics in the text Algerian novelist. 196 We note KNotes that through the experiences of many texts that here is another question to impose its presence in these experiments like: homosexuality and sex incest, physical and symbolic violence embodied in the patriarchal domination and repression by official institutions on freedom of expression.

الكلمات المفتاحية

سرد الهوية- هوية السرد- مقاربة سوسيو نصية - التجريب الروائي