Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 211-219
Authors : Djennas Mustapha . Bendiabdellah Abdeslam .
Using a Shapley value decomposition approach, this work analyzed the contribution of growth, incomes redistribution and poverty level to the poverty changes in both emerging and advanced economies from 1990 to 2011. The analysis used the income data for 24 emerging economies and 32 advanced economies to calculate poverty indices. The result of the Shapley value decomposition of poverty changes into growth redistribution and poverty tine components revealed that the economic growth component dominates the redistribution and poverty line component in poverty reduction
poverty decomposition, Shapely value, economic growth, incomes redistribution.
Ouis Nadjet
Cherifi Djelloul
Souar Youcef
Ouis Latifa
pages 267-295.
Sebki Wafa
pages 36-43.
Touat Othmane
Mecerhed Bilel
pages 133-147.
Zerrouki Djillali
Laib Yacine
pages 830-839.
Bacovic Maja
pages 1-21.