Linguistics & Translation, an International Quarterly Reviewed Scientific Journal of linguistics, translation, didactics and literature, regularly issued by the Laboratory of Didactic of languages and discourse analysis- Faculty of Letters and Arts at Hassiba BenBouali University of Chlef, The first issue was released in June 2021. It is concerned with publishing research works and articles in linguistic,translation, literary and educational sciences. It receives national and international scholarly research-based articles in three languages: Arabic ,English and French. It aims to publish and encourage the works of researchers and scholars, such as those related to language and translation, literature, education and their terminological and applied issues considered of priority, Philosophy of language, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Literature, Literary criticism, Language and technology, Teaching languages, Language and Quranic Studies, Language and art. With the invaluable contributions of the authors. Linguistics & Translation Journal has the purpose of enhancing worldwide exchange in the fields of linguistics, didactics and literature and boosting contemporary, authentic and genuine language studies and educational studies that are intended to promote and achieve substantial outcomes in the Algerian and worldwide educational policies.
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