Journal of peace for humanities and social sciences JPHSC is an interdisciplinary and international semi-annual journal of scholarly work in peace research.
published by The Laboratory of Human Rights in Comparative International Systems, University of Algiers 3 Journal of peace for humanities and social sciences strives for a global focus on conflict and peacemaking.
The Journal encourages a wide conception of peace, but focuses on the causes of violence and conflict resolution. Without sacrificing the requirements for theoretical rigour and methodological sophistication, articles directed towards ways and means of peace are favoured.
The journal accepts research in Arabic, French, and English, and all studies are subject to confidential and discreet scientific review.
بوشليف نورالدين,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا ; مبدأ الحيطة ; مبدأ الاعلام ; الترخيص ; منظمة التجارة العالمية. ; Genetically modified foods ; precautionary principle ; information principle ; licensing ; World Trade Organization.
قوالي نورالدين,
Mots clés: Digital reading; university library; digital culture: Algerian University
نصرف سمية,
الكلمات المفتاحية: Jankélévitch ; critiques ; irony ; Heidegger ; ethical foudation ; German culture ; النقد ; السخرية ; هايدغر ; الأسس الأخلاقية ; الثقافة الألمانية ; جانكيليفِتش
Bourib Khadidja
Nawal Boualleg
Balta Meriem
Chabi Sana
Menaceur Hassane
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