مجلة السلام للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية

Journal of Peace for Humanities and Social Sciences JPHSC


Journal of peace for humanities and social sciences JPHSC is an interdisciplinary and international semi-annual journal of scholarly work in peace research.

published by The Laboratory of Human Rights in Comparative International Systems, University of Algiers 3 Journal of peace for humanities and social sciences strives for a global focus on conflict and peacemaking.

The Journal encourages a wide conception of peace, but focuses on the causes of violence and conflict resolution. Without sacrificing the requirements for theoretical rigour and methodological sophistication, articles directed towards ways and means of peace are favoured.

The journal accepts research in Arabic, French, and English, and all studies are subject to confidential and discreet scientific review.







إشكالية تطبيق مبدأ الحيطة في مجال الأغذية المهندسة وراثيا The problem of applying the precautionary principle in the field of genetically modified foods

بوشليف نورالدين, 

الملخص: الملخص: يندرج موضوع الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا ضمن عدم اليقين العلمي، فلا توجد ادلة علمية ثابتة حول تحقق الاضرار في المستقبل، ومع ذلك أصبح هذا الموضوع يشكل مصدر قلق كبير لفئة المستهلكين لما قد ينجر عنه من اثار صحية وبيئية وخيمة. ولمنع الانعكاسات السلبية لاستخدام الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا على صحة المستهلك وبيئته أو الحد منها، أو ضبط استخدامها، تم ادراج المبدأ التحوطي في الإطار القانوني الذي ينظم استخدامها. غير ان تطبيق مبدأ الحيطة في مجال الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا يطرح بعض الصعوبات التي تحد من فعاليته الوقائية، وتقلل من مصداقيته القانونية، وهو ما تستجيب له هذه الورقة البحثية. Abstract: The issue of genetically modified foods is one of scientific uncertainty, as there is no solid scientific evidence on the realization of future harm, but this topic has become a major concern for consumers due to its serious impacts on health and the environment. In order to prevent or limit the negative impact of the use of genetically modified foods on the health and environment of consumers, or to control their use, the precautionary principle has been incorporated into the legal framework governing their use. However, the application of the precautionary principle in the field of genetically modified foods poses certain difficulties that limit its preventive effectiveness and reduce its legal credibility, which is addressed in this document.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الأغذية المعدلة وراثيا ; مبدأ الحيطة ; مبدأ الاعلام ; الترخيص ; منظمة التجارة العالمية. ; Genetically modified foods ; precautionary principle ; information principle ; licensing ; World Trade Organization.

The role of university library in developing digital reading skills university professors and students in Algeria

قوالي نورالدين, 

Résumé: The study aims to explore the role of university libraries in activating digital literacy and improving the skills of students, professors and researchers in higher education institutions in Algeria. As it has a role in supporting contemporary systems of teaching and learning, and in line with modern trends in the field of publishing and information circulation. We will also try to identify the most important challenges that face information specialists in the inclusion of library services directed at encouraging digital reading to support the educational and research activities of students and professors. As well as enhancing self-learning skills, such as the acquisition/subscription of electronic information resources in light of a strong policy to develop digital collections. Preparing reading spaces in the university library, and implementing training courses and practical workshops on effective and organized reading strategies. In addition to teaching the beneficiaries information skills and strategies to use the possibilities of the Internet and its applications, dealing with data and information and ensuring their authenticity and reliability, at a time when computers, mobile phones and Internet access are in the hands of every student and professor.

Mots clés: Digital reading; university library; digital culture: Algerian University

Germany and the Jews in Jankélévitch's View

نصرف سمية, 

الملخص: Abstract : The philosophy of French philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch offers a unique and complex perspective on the world that transcends traditional philosophical boundaries. By using irony as an analytical tool, Jankélévitch critiques closed and conventional philosophies, emphasizing the importance of openness to diverse human experiences. After World War II and the Holocaust, his stance on German culture, particularly his rejection of Heidegger’s ideas, highlights his profound ethical commitment and refusal to condone philosophies that justify injustice or violence. His philosophy calls for a reevaluation of philosophical and ethical foundations and encourages adopting a renewed philosophical vision in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. الملخص: تقدم فلسفة الفيلسوف الفرنسي فلاديمير جانكيليفِتش رؤية فريدة ومعقدة للعالم، تتجاوز الحدود التقليدية للفكر الفلسفي. من خلال استخدامه للسخرية كأداة تحليلية، ينتقد جانكيليفِتش الفلسفات المغلقة والتقليدية، مشددًا على أهمية الانفتاح على التجارب الإنسانية المتنوعة. بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية والهولوكوست، أصبح موقفه من الثقافة الألمانية متميزًا بالرفض الجذري لتلك الأفكار، لا سيما أفكار هايدغر. تدعو فلسفة جانكيليفِتش إلى إعادة النظر في أسس الفلسفة والأخلاق، وتحث على تبني رؤية فلسفية متجددة في عالم يتسم بالتعقيد والترابط المتزايد.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Jankélévitch ; critiques ; irony ; Heidegger ; ethical foudation ; German culture ; النقد ; السخرية ; هايدغر ; الأسس الأخلاقية ; الثقافة الألمانية ; جانكيليفِتش

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