أبحاث قانونية وسياسية

Recherches Juridiques et Politiques


The Journal of Legal and Political Research is an international, refereed and semi-annual academic journal, it is published by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia-Jijel / Algeria. Its first issue was published in June 2016. The journal aims to contribute in developing and disseminating of science and knowledge in the field of legal, administrative and political sciences, and is oriented to specialized researchers to publish their researches and studies that are distinguished by scientific originality, contemporary and seriousness. The articles published in this journal, must be characterized by honesty. the respect of the conditions of publishing. and scientific integrity through the Algerian platform for scientific journals, and in the three languages: Arabic, French and English, noting that publication is free and issued In hard copy and electronic version, available for reading and downloading


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تعتذر هيئة التحرير للباحثين عن استقبال المقالات باللغة العربية لغاية الانتهاء من تحكيم تلك المتواجدة على مستوى المجلة، مع استثناء المقالات الواردة من خارج الجزائر،

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رئيس التحرير أد. فريدة حموم

The editing stuff is very pleased to invite researchers from all around the world to send their papers to be published in our journal, and we warn you to bind your works according to the template, and the scientific research conditions .

Researchers are invited to read the instructions reserved to authors, and the author guide concerning all steps of publishing, announced on our account in ASJP

.Obs: Articles not conformed to the journal template, are not accepted

.Articles accepted with reservation, the authors are obliged to answer the reservations within 15 days and resend them to the editor

For all any clarification do not hesitate to contact us: revue.rjp@univ-jijel.dz

The editor in chief: Pr. Hamoum Farida








La Politique Américaine en Région Caspienne à l’Epreuve de l’Axe Irano--Russe

صميم محمد,  كشوط عبد الرفيق, 

Résumé: Résumé Le présent article traite de la politique américaine en région de la mer Caspienne, région comprenant également une partie du sud du Caucase, et les défis auxquels elle est confrontés. En fait, dans sa mise en œuvre, l’action régionale américaine fait face à une alliance de deux Etats régionaux aux intérêts immenses, la Russie et la république islamique d’Iran. Ces deux Etats ont contracté une alliance stratégique pour mieux contrecarrer toute domination de l’Oncle Sam sur la zone. Tout au long de cet article, il est question de la mise en relief des intérêts et surtout des mécanismes employés par Washington, mais aussi de la stratégie conçue et appliquée par la Russie et l’Iran. L’article conclut au fait que ces deux Etats n’ont jusqu’ici certes pas pu évincer les Etats unis mais ils ont pu éviter à cet espace, du moins jusqu’à présent, une domination intégrale de cette puissance globale. Abstract: The present article deals with the American policy in the Caspian region, a region which includes a part from the south Caucasus, and challenges faced there. In fact, in the fulfilment of their objectives the American policy makers face a Russian Iranian axis. The later, the Iranian Islamic republic is known for its legendary hostility to the United States. These two states are in alliance in order to undermine American efforts there. It’s a common sense to say that Americans want to set their domination over the region. In the course of this article, American interests and features used by policy makers will be highlighted. In the other hand, the Russian Iranian strategy will also be explained. This article’s conclusion point out that these two allies couldn’t yet throw the United States out of the region, but their influence is really limited.

Mots clés: American Foreign Policy ; Russian Iranian Axis ; Caspian Region ; South Caucasus

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