مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الأدبية واللغوية
Volume 4, Numéro 7, Pages 22-48
الكاتب : علي بن ماجد آل شريدة .
Abstract The use of tasks in teaching second language is widely proliferated in western schools since the start of 1980s (Ellis, 2003). However,such a proliferation has not extended to the teaching of Arabic as a second languagein middle eastern cultures (Storch and Aldosari, 2013). In addition, research on tasks and language learning is also scarce. This study attempts to provide an overviewabout language task in terms of its theoretical framework, particularly definitions, and the underpinning philosophical trends. The overview also addresses the practical sides of language tasks in language classrooms, then closes by listing and discussing some of the critiques on the use tasks in language classrooms.
second language- teaching of Arabic-language task-language classrooms