دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 167-179
الكاتب : بن حفيظ شافية . مناع هاجر .
The current study aims to know the mental health level for midwives, and also to learn the impact of each of the variables of marital status and seniority at work، in order to make a differences in mental health level, and to achieve that was applied mental health scale, "Leonard -R-Lepman linocovi" and that after the confirmation of its properties psychometric on a sample of 20 midwife, was reached that midwives average level of mental health, in addition to the existence of differences between married and unmarried in mental health level, but that there were no differences between the midwives depending on years of seniority at work
The mental health , The Midwives,
تادبيرت عبد النور
ص 325-343.
بلال لبنة
دوارة أحمد
فاضل فايزة
ص 214-231.
حفصة زنخري
الحاج عرابة
ص 41-50.
يحياوي نور الهدى
حاجب سلسبيل
ص 531-546.