Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 11, Numéro 13, Pages 75-87

La Réexpression Du Sens En Théorie Interprétative De La Traduction Entre Le Vouloir- Dire, Le Pouvoir-dire, Le Savoir-dire Et Le Devoir-dire

Auteurs : Koudded Mohamed .


Reexpressing meaning in translation for the Interpretive theory of translation necessitates leaving aside the linguistic structure of the source text to produce an adapted message in the target language that fulfills the requirements of intelligibility and that plays the same role, function and effect for the target audience that may not share the same cultural and aesthetic values, nor even the same level of perception of reality .The translator is not obliged just to reexpress this meaning again after a successful deverbalizing step, but he should expresses it adequately through a personal commitment towards not only, the source discourse and its producer but towards a moral commitment that reinforces the full rendering as well, not only in terms of linguistic structure but in term of sense as well. Checking to what extent deverbalizing serves the process in the absence of this moral commitment called “devoir dire” is the aim of this paper, it sheds light on the required conditions to achieve an exhaustive equivalent discourse.

Mots clés

Interpretive theory of Translation, sense, vouloir dire,pouvoir dire, devoir dire, savoir dire, deverbalization.