Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 15, Numéro 24, Pages 183-188
الكاتب : زرقة ي هشام .
This paper suggest the study of the problematic of the word generaly speaking . it is trying to make available the fonctional logique of the word and also the fonctional logique of the word and also the manner by which it can take its form. We tryed by two methodologies that work according to two differents maners, by each one complete the other. The semasiology and the onomasiology. They have as objectif the formation of semes closed to the word and their order in the semantic fields, which permit to us the study of the definition of the word. According to a logical structure and latent fonctions.
word, semantic, fields, method.
صايم مصطفي
بوثلجة عبد الناصر
ص 1-35.
مرقاش سميرة
عميش عائشة
ص 130-142.
غزلان نوال
ص 730-739.