Africa and the West
Volume 11, Numéro 13, Pages 27-36
Authors : Naumann Michel .
Is islamophobia the result of an “excess” of Foreign workers in the West ? I doubt it very much, especially when referring to the case of France. Although we have a very high rate of unemployment (12 %), the difficulty to find workers in the most important economic zones concerns 40 % of the jobs and the unfilled positions are evaluated at 20 %. As the migrants represent 0.02 % of the population, one cannot seriously pretend that Foreigners take French jobs
islamophobia ; Global World ; France ; the migrants
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Said Houari Amel
pages 257-268.
Abdelillah Ali Bencherif
pages 259-268.
Djebbar Mohammed
Sifour Asma
Mansouri Roukaya
Chaffai Nacéra
pages 64-73.