Volume 0, Numéro 0, Pages 22-24
Authors : Haffari Faouzia . Boualem Malika . Bergheul Saida . Djaber Abdelkrim . Merzoug Aicha .
Cereals constitute an important food resource for humans and breeding animals. Durum wheat (Triticum durum) is one of the most used species, hence its socio-economic interest. In Algeria, durum wheat is one of the strategic crops that guarantee food security. This study was carried out with the aim of studying the physicochemical properties of local durum wheat; three varieties collected from 2018/2019 production were the subject of these analyses. The choice of these varieties is justified by their availability in the storage facilities (CCP Adrar and UCA Mostaganem). Those are Chaine S and Vitron R1 cultivated in Adrar region, in arid climate, and Vitron from Ain Témounchent region in semi-arid Mediterranean climate. This study was realized at the vegetables protection laboratory of Mostaganem University and the solar drying laboratory of the Research Unit for Renewable Energy in the Saharan environment (URERMS) of Adrar.The studied parameters are summarized in the specific weight, thousand grain weight, humidity rate, ash rate, fatty acidity, protein rate and lipid rate. The results showed that Vitron R1 variety had a maximum specific weight of 79.8kg/hl, a weight of 49.23g per thousand grains, 14.32% of relative humidity rate, 0.78% of ash, 0.01% of fat acidity, 1.36% of lipids and 15.16% of proteins. While Vitron recorded a weight of 77kg/hl, a weight of 48.84g per thousand grains, a relative humidity rate of 13.02%, 1.71% of ash, a fatty acidity of 0.02%, 1.36% of lipids and 14.25% of proteins. On the other hand, Chaine S recorded a weight of 78.9 kg/hl, a weight of 49.67 g per 1000 grains and rates, ash, fatty acidity, proteins and lipids rates respectively of 15.28%, 1.18%, 0.02%, 15.96% and 1.44%. The results obtained during this study revealed that the durum wheat varieties studied showed an important physicochemical compound, thus revealing a good quality of wheat in the both regions Adrar and Mostaganem
Algeria, Durum wheat, Varieties, Physicochemical analysis
بوسالم أحلام
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