Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 83-100
Authors : Ahmed Benmalek . Mahmoud Debabeche .
Among the hydraulic parameters describing the classical hydraulic jump are the inflow Froude number, the sequence depth ratio, the jump surface profile, and the energy loss. Literature analysis showed that these parameters varied according to the shape of the studied section and the upstream flow conditions, such as the flow discharge and the initial height at the toe of the jump. The present study examines, theoretically and experimentally, the effect of enlargement on the sequence depth ratio, the relative energy loss, and the jump surface profile. The study was based on an experimental model in which an inserted abruptly enlarged trapezoidal channel was directed towards a rectangular channel. Comparison of experimental and theoretical results showed that the physical and economic interest of flow through the considered section is conditioned by the frictional force effect due to the enlargement. These findings can be useful in the design of energy stilling basins and in hydraulic jump performance.
Hydraulic jump ; Stilling basin ; Trapezoidal channel ; Abrupt expanding ; Rectangular channel ; Froude number
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Ghomri A.
Riguet F.
pages 254-271.
Ghomri A.
Riguet F.
Debabeche M.
pages 127-141.
Ghomri A.
Riguet F.
Debabeche M.
pages 25-39.