المجلة الجزائرية للأمن الإنساني
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 858-882
Authors : Sakraoui Amel .
The present paper sought to investigate the role that teachers of English as a foreign language play in developing the intellectual security of university learners. Focus was laid on tackling this issue from the perspective of teachers given the fact that they represent the elite or the intellectual segment of the society and hence, exert a powerful influence on the academic and educational blossoming of the whole country. To this end, a survey questionnaire was developed from readings in the literature including seven basic concepts (domains) of intellectual security and given to teachers of English at Badji Mokhtar university. A descriptive approach was chosen to interpret teacher’s recorded responses. The analysis and processing of data has displayed thought-provoking results and implications in relation to the reduced use of intellectual security concepts in curricula taught for university learners and, hence, underscore the urgent need to engage in a thorough reflection in relation to the absence of security education programmes in EFL classrooms. A set of recommendations were suggested for teachers regarding pedagogical strategies to be implemented in the EFL classrooms and other measures for universities in general in order to pave the path towards creating a strong, stable and secure nation.
Teachers of English ; ; intellectual security ; survey questionnaire ; pedagogical strategies ; a secure nation
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Houcin Medjralou Ahlem
Lakhdar Zaoui Ali
pages 76-91.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.