The journal of contemporary business and economic studies (JCBES) is a double blind international peer-reviewed, Bi-annual, free and Open-access journaL. JCBES published by Ksar-Chellala Annex – university of Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret, specialized in economics , busniss and management, the journal provides an academic platform for researchers to contribute in it with original, valuable and objective research. The journal includes an international editorial board that works according to international standards, applies confidentiality for evaluation procedures, requires and ensures that reviewers be external and not affiliated with authors. JCBES published in both print and electronic editions twice a year and its available for reading and downloading, it’s also published in English, Arabic and French. The journal aims to enrich scientific knowledge and contribute to its development through the publication of scientific papers, in addition to treating contemporary economics and commercial issues with a scientific method in order to follow up on recent trends in this field and build bridges of communication with relevant practical bodies and exchange publication. For more informations please see the authors guide
Reception status: Articles are received exclusively in English and French for researchers from inside Algeria For researchers from outside Algeria, articles can be sent throughout the year
Researchers whose articles have been accepted must include references on the platform and then send a letter of undertaking
Editorial Board
مكرسي لمياء,
Mots clés: tourism sector ; economic contribution ; external shocks.
حداشي حكيم,
عزالدين يوسف,
Mots clés: Auditing standards, audit elements, control, auditor, reliable information
صحراوي هجيرة,
بن زكورة العونية,
Mots clés: Corporate Governance, Financial Decision-Making, Rationalization of Financial Decisions, Insurance Companies, Economic Enterprises
بوشنافة رضا,
Mots clés: Sustainable Agricultural ; Development ; Food Security ; Climate Change
مريش إيمان,
عبيدات سارة,
بن قديدح سفيان,
Mots clés: Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Competencies; University support bodies; Emerging Institution; Eltarf University
حلاسي خولة,
مداحي محمد,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر، النمو الاقتصادي، التكامل المتزامن
مزواغي جيلالي,
بلفضيل كمال,
Mots clés: Mobile Telecommunications ; Voice calls ; Internet service ; Market share ; BCG
بوزيان سهيلة,
لطرش الطاهر,
Mots clés: Cyber-risques ; cyber-sécurité ; cyber assurance ; cyber attaques ; Compagnies d’assurances
مدفوني هندة,
Mots clés: Technological transformation, China, Corporate strategy, sustainability.
حمزة زكرياء,
علمي حسيبة,
Mots clés: Digital Transformation ; Human Resource Strategies ; E-HRM ; Technological Infrastructure ; Algeria
صافة محمد,
شريط عابد,
Mots clés: Economic growth, Inflation targeting policy, Actual inflation, Monetary policy, Long- term relationship
عدة عابد,
بن صوشة ثامر,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الكلمات المفتاحية: السكن، التمويل، التمويل السكني، القرض العقاري، ARDL . Keywords : Housing, Finance, Home Finance, Mortgage, ARDL .
بلحسن بلال,
مخلوف أحمد,
الكلمات المفتاحية: المنظمة الوطنية للتسويق السياحي ; ماليزيا سياحة ; الوجهة السياحية
بوتريك سعاد,
Mots clés: Digital transformation ; Economic growth ; Arab countries ; Panel models
مداني زكرياء,
بورداش شهرزاد,
Mots clés: Algeria, ; University Governance, ; Human Capital.
زرواتي مواهب,
زرواتي وئام,
Mots clés: Guest Experience ; Architectural Design ; Augmented Reality (AR) ; Hospitality Industry
عبيد محمد نذير,
سايح حمزة,
Mots clés: Human resources ; Human resource investment ; Competitive Advantage ; training ; leadership ; motivation ; performance evaluation
Alit Nassira
Talmat Malika
Tchiko Faouzi
Bouzekri Achour
Sehli Roukia
Hireche Abdelkader
Meziane Mohammed Toufik
Djeffel Ouarda
Merkache Samira
Hocine Lynda
Djabari Messaoud
Saad Mohamed
Amiri Ramdane
Oualikene Selim
Mokhtar Yasmina
Belmimoun Abdennour
Mimoune Narimene
Belaidi Mohamed Amine
Horri Khelifa
Meridja Amazigh
Abdelbaki Mohamed
Touri Rosa
Laoudj Ouardia
Ziouani Saida
الحويج حسين فرج
غنام نعيمة
سي جيلالي هاشمي
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