مجلة بحوث الإدارة والاقتصاد

Management & Economics Research Journal


The Journal of Management and Economic Research is an international, double-blind, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Djelfa, Algeria. The journal aims to publish original scientific research in the fields of economics, accounting, finance and management, in English,. The Journal welcomes submissions from academic and non-academic researchers, research teams, and institutions, with the goal of providing relevant and timely information from a variety of sources, written and published with the utmost integrity, to serve the needs of participants in all areas of economics.

The primary objective of the Journal of Management & Economics Research is to encourage and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, thus, the journal provides immediate open access to its content, supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge. The editorial board strives to maintain high quality standards for articles published in the journal, ensuring that all submissions go through a rigorous peer review process by experts in relevant research areas.

  The Journal of Economics and Management Research provides a platform for scholars and researchers to publish their original research in economics, accounting, finance and management, in an effort to advance the advancement of knowledge and understanding in these areas.



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فإن مجلة بحوث الإدراة والإقتصاد غير مصنفة بالتحديث الأخير حسب وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

وهذا الأمر لا ينطبق على المقالات المرسلة قبل 15 افريل 2024 فالعبرة بتاريخ الارسال

( كل المقالات المرسلة ابتداء من 01 فيفري 2023 الى 14 افريل 2024  تعتبر من صنف ب)










The effectiveness of e-learning in the Algerian University -Oran's University as a Model-.

سايح فطيمة, 

Résumé: The main aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of e-learning on the level of student achievement at Oran's University. The study sample consisted of 150 students from various disciplines. It was randomly selected. Many statistical methods were used to address the search results such as (arithmetic mean, standard deviation and percentages). According to the SPSS program output, the study confirm the effectiveness of e-learning and its positive role in motivating students. The students are aware of the concept of e-learning and they agree that the site (e-learning) contributed to improving the level of educational achievement.

Mots clés: E-Learning ; University of Oran ; Advantages ; Evaluation ; Effectiveness

International Sustainability Standards for Accounting in Algeria: IFRS-S1 and IFRS-S2 horizons

ملياني عبد الحليم,  كاملي محمد, 

Résumé: This paper aims to study the possibility of international sustainability accounting standards IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 impalement in Algeria. For this research idea, a field study was conducted on a group of accounting professionals members of the National Organization of Certified Accountants preapproved by the Algerian Ministry of Finance. After a random selection of the sample, (98) retrieved questionnaires were analyzed using the Statistical Package Analysis for Social Sciences program “SPSS”. The study concluded that the accounting environment in Algeria unfortunately isn’t yet ready for the impalement of IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.

Mots clés: Accounting ; Corporate Finance ; Financial Reporting ; International Accounting Standard ; Sustainability

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