مجلة العمارة وبيئة الطفل

Journal of Architecture and environment of child


The Journal "Architecture and environment of child" is an international journal, biannual, scientific refereed, open source,and nonprofit, issued by the laboratory "The Child, the City and the Environment", University, Batna 1, Algeria. It publishes studies and scientific papers that research architecture and the environment and focuses on the environment in which the child grows up inside the city with its three sectors in which multiple disciplines (human, social and technical): The school environment, the family environment, and the urban environment that represents the environment of the city where the human being (of various age groups) and what is going on in its field of the implications of the environmental situation in general in the city and on the child as a user. Its vision is presented in these issues within the framework of sustainable development and the related issues affecting the development of urban society. The journal seeks to publish original scientific research by researchers, with the aim of popularizing knowledge dissemination, access to new and serious research, linking communication between researchers, and enabling the largest possible number of researchers to access research and studies. Academic works in Arabic, English and French that have not been previously published are accepted, and which are characterized by quality, originality and commitment to scientific honesty in transmitting information, quoting ideas and attributing them to their owners, and documenting them using recognized scientific methods.







Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés

5 027 إشكالية النمطية المعمارية للمؤسسات التربوية في الجزائر وانعكاساتها على التحصيل العلمي عند التلميذ 3 415 معايير ومقومات تصميم البيئات التعليمية للطفل واثرهـا على تحفيـز قدراتـه التخيليـة - مبانى رياض الاطفال والحديقة الثقافية بالقاهرة أنموذجاً - 3 407 Le patrimoine bâti et urbain est une source d’inspiration inépuisable pour la conception des œuvres architecturales ou compositions urbaines. 2 993 النظام القانوني للمساحات الخضراء وعلاقتها بالطفولة -في التشريع الجزائري- 2 933 L’algerie face à ses dechets : outils et entraves de gestion , vers quelles perspectives ? 2 135 Improvement of Urban Planning and Design Consideration for Children 1 884 فهم البنية العمرانية، خطوة نحو ممارسة التهيئة الحضرية: دراسة حالة مدينة باتنة – الجزائر. 1 825 La lecture architecturale de l’extension d’établissement scolaire « Le cas des école primaires » 1 523 La ville intelligente, une stratégie pour un développement urbain durable 1 356 خريطة الرؤية الحاسوبية: مقاربة استشرافية للتخطيط الحضري لمستقبل المدن الجديدة - دراسة حالة المدينة الجديدة علي منجلي بقسنطينة - الجزائر