


“Apuleius” is a biannual international refereed, double-blind peer reviewed and open access scientific journal; delivered from the faculty of Literature and languages, Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-ahras, Algeria. Released in printed hard copy, and digitized version, free download and long-term availability. The Journal accounts for research papers and studies in the field of literature and Languages, which meet the requirements of authentic, reliable and ingenious scientific research. The Journal issues articles in three languages: Arabic, English, and French under the standards of ethics and common research paradigms. The Journal designation stems from “Apuleius” or Apuleius of Mador, the pioneer of the novel, and the founding father of narrative throughout the history of human creativity. Apuleius Journal welcomes researchers’ outcomes in the field of literature and languages to promote knowledge and enhance thoughtful scientific interactions; inspired by human vision and cosmic ideals. The journal is an open space to the streams of human thought in terms of confidence, insight and patience. Apuleius Journal relies on a scientific committee, a panel of credited expertise in respective fields. The Journal paves the way to ingenious scientific research and endeavor to attain a distinguished milestone in knowledge construct


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رئيس التحرير

د. جموعي سعدي








معاني الاستعطاف قراءة في لامية العرب للشنفري

1. أستاذ مشارك 2.استاذ دكتور 1. د. محمد محمود العمرو 2.أ د ناصر إبراهيم صالح, 

الملخص: الملخص تسعى الدراسة إلى أن تأتي بمعاني جديد للامية العرب، وذلك من خلال تفكيك رموزها اللغوية متكئًا على التفاعلات النفسية، وأثرها في تشكيل الأبعاد الدلالية الظاهرة، وانعكاسها على معاني لا واعية عميقة، مستفيدًا من المنهج النفسي أولاً في التحليل، ومن ثم المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، متوصلاً إلى أنّ القصيدة صرخة استعطاف من إنسان لا يستطيع العيش بلا هوية إنسانية تابعة لقبيلة ينتمي إليها. ABUSTRACT: The study seeks to bring new meanings to the Arab population, by deconstructing its linguistic symbols relying on psychological interactions, its effect on forming the apparent semantic dimensions, and its reflection on deep subconscious meanings, making use of the psychological approach first in analysis, and then the descriptive analytical approach, continuing That the poem is a cry for sympathy from a person who cannot live without a human identity belonging to a tribe to which he belongs.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الاستعطاف , الشنفرى , اللامية , معاني

Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés

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