Journal of Science and Technique of Physical and sports Activities is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Institute of Science and Technique of Physical and sports Activities - kasdi merbah – Ouargla, Algeria. The journal focuses on the following topics: The biomechanics of the sport movement, Physiology of sports practice, Physical Activity Educational Sports, Sports training, Sports psychology; Sports sociology, Teaching physical and sports activities, Sports Media, Sports and Health; Sports and leisures, Physical activity and adapted sport, Management and administration in sport. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. The journal contains original and comprehensive articles that reflect the latest research and developments in aspects of sporting practice, society and human behavior. The newspaper is published in print and online. The online version is free and downloadable. All newspapers around the world are welcome in our international journal. Manuscripts can be sent at any time the appearance of the journal and plan the month of (June and December)
دحماني جمال,
مزاري فاتح,
الكلمات المفتاحية: Keywords: strength-endurance, performance, swimming, young talents ; الكلمات مفتاحية: تحمل القوة.، الانجاز.،السباحة.، الناشئين
بن قناب عبد الرحمان,
عطا الله أحمد,
جغدم بن ذهيبة,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الكفاءة - أستاذ التربية البدنية و الرياضية - الإستراتجيات التدريسية - الجيل الثاني
دريدي فاطمة
قيرواني محمد الأمين
ملياني خولة
بن يوسف دحو
براهيمي قدور
حمية راشد
تقيق جمال
براهيمي قدور
قطاية أيوب
عزيز الوردي
مدقن مصطفى
بكة فارس
كنيوة مولود
قرين نوال
Berkouk Djihed
Bouzir Talal Abdelkrim
Zeroual Mohammed
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