Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology is an international, peer-reviewed research journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge to promote the theory and practice of environmental science and technology, innovation, engineering and management. Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology is intended to provide rapid publication of new developments in the field of pollution and environmental technology. The journal has an international readership with a relatively broad scientific base. Contributions will be accepted from scientists and engineers in industry, government and universities. Accepted manuscripts are generally published within four months. Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology seeks to publish papers that are particularly significant and original. The types of fields published in the research section are applied environmental studies, including environmental engineering, environmental biotechnology, municipal and industrial waste management, air and water pollution control, solid waste management, industrial hygiene and associated technologies. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found appropriate for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert scientists referees who assess the significance, originality, and validity of the work, as well as its appropriateness for publication. For more information, please visit Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology website: // .
Benzelmat L.a.
Cherraka R.
Hadjel M.
Ketteb A.
Goual N.
Batana F.z.
Touati M.b.
Guibadj A
Bouayed I.s.
Hassani F.
Ghalem S.
Malik N.
Slim Shimi N.
Taoualit N.
Boutemak K.
Kaddour-cherif F.
Abbas F.
Hadj Boussaad D.e.
Feddal I.
Taleb Z
Ramdani A
Herbache H
Taleb S
Debouba H.
Laabidi R.
Reyahi R.
Hachemi-benmalek N.
Nouani A.
Benchabane A
.kouadri L
Benamar M.e.a.
Benkhalifa A.
Khalfallah W.
.mehdi M
Lounis Z.
Talbi Z.
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