The J. Appl. Eng. Sci. Technol., JAEST, (ISSN 2352-9873) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal published in both electronic and print versions by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, FST, of the University of Biskra. The JAEST provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The objective of this journal is to communicate recent and projected advances in applied engineering science & technology. The scope of JAEST covers a wide spectrum of subjects including: A- Electrical, Electronics and Automatic Engineering; B- Thermal, Mechanical and Materials Engineering; C- Geotechnical and Civil Engineering; D- Environmental and Water Resource Engineering; E- Chemical and Process Engineering; F- Architectural and Building Engineering. The journal welcomes manuscripts in English or French that provide information not previously published in journals in the fields of engineering science research. The JAEST publishes also special issues containing the best papers selected from various conferences in sub-fields of applied engineering science and technology.
Bekki Hadj
Tali Brahim
Canou Jean
Dupla Jean-claude
Bouafia Ali
Touloum Farid
Akli Younsi
Abdelhak Kaci
Benchabane Adel
Labed Mohamed
Mellas Mekki
Zellouf Miloud
Moummi Noureddine
Labed Adnane
Aoues Kamel
El Ghoul Islam-ncereddine
Cheriet Ahmed
Bensaid Samir
Lakhdari Ala-eddine
Meghezzi-larafi Ismail
Tati Abdelouahab
Temami Oussama
Hamadi Djamal
Zatar Abdallah
Ayoub Ashraf
Guenfoud Hamza
Ziou Hassina
Himeur Mohamed
Guenfoud Mohamed
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